
Limited Edition
Coffee trees from a micro lot that yielded something fascinating, delicious and unique which did not exist the year before and will not exist next year. It may be due to favourable circumstances in the current terroir.

Certified Premium Coffee Beans
It is a guarantee that the highest quality coffee beans are being offered.

Roaster's Exclusive
Coffees chosen by the Master Roaster for its unique offering. It can be a blend or single origin coffees and will be repeated as per availability.

Seasonal Collection
Single origin micro lot coffees where availability is dependent on a particular or specific regional season.

Perfect Cup
100% Specialty Grade Arabica Coffee perfectly brewed all the time.

Founder's Choice
Coffees chosen by the Founder for it's premium quality in terms of SCA score that must be 90+. It may be a premium blend or a premium single origin and has the possibility to be repeated depending on availability.